AOTMP University
Photo of Tim Colwell
Written by
Timothy C. Colwell
Tim is Executive Vice President at AOTMP University

Technology management teams are no strangers to key performance indicators. Network uptime, service availability, and time-to-repair help network and engineering teams manage network performance. Project managers track on-time and on-budget metrics to gauge project success. Budget forecasting accuracy and cost containment metrics are common for IT financial teams. All told, hundreds of KPIs are used by various technical, operational, and financial teams across technology management practices to track performance against target objectives.

Ultimately, a business served by a technology team seeks cost effective (budget-friendly) technology assets, services, and licenses that enable business processes and people. Perfect harmony would be achieved if the technology were instantly available, worked flawlessly forever, and cost nothing. Sounds nice, right?

Delivering flawless technology for free isn’t a realistic target (even if that is what the business requests). Partnering with the business is essential, though, and understanding the perceived quality of engagement of the technology team through the eyes of users across the business is an essential measure of partnership value.

Internal customer satisfaction (CSAT) rounds out traditional technical, operational, and financial KPIs by offering valuable insight into the perceived value of technology management where it matters most – from the users of the technology. When the users are happy, engagement between technology teams and the business thrives.

Use standard KPIs to manage the technology lifecycle. Obsess over internal customer CSAT to drive engagement. CSAT is the next performance indicator.

Recommended career path
Are you a Technology Expense Management professional looking to expand your career? Take these courses and earn these certifications to elevate your best practice knowledge.
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