Instructor-led Training → Center of Excellence

Center of Excellence

A Center of Excellence positions your telecom and mobility management team to make greater contributions to the business.

The program aims to allow your department to make a more significant impact to C-Suite, meet objectives, and empower your team to be a strategic asset and role model for the rest of the organization.

See how instructor-led training can benefit you and your team.

The Program

AOTMP® University’s Center of Excellence training program is a masterclass that will help your telecom and mobility management team get started on the transformation from being viewed as a cost center to a strategic asset for the organization. It will help position your team to make business contributions that are important to the executive team and to other departments in the organization. It will position you to provide value beyond cost savings and be viewed as a reliable data source for important tactical and strategic business decisions. It will put you in a position to have a “seat at the table” and be viewed as a leader of digital transformation in your organization.

Over five 90 minute live online sessions we will explore the 15 core components of a Center of Excellence across the 3 maturity stages. We will also explore the 7 key outcomes of a Center of Excellence and their importance and benefit to the business.

Why a Center of Excellence?

A telecom and mobility management Center of Excellence is more than a collection of activities – it’s a structure, a philosophy, and a business value accelerator.

By adopting Center of Excellence principles and practices...

A “Source of Truth” will be established; drive better decision making and management.

Technical, financial, and operational telecom and mobility management efficiency will be optimized.

Significant cost reductions and measurable efficiency gains will be realized, resulting in improved overall performance.

Basic and advanced analytics and reporting will be in place to drive business results for a number of departments.

Improved scalability, performance and productivity will be seen in all areas.

A high performance, motivated team will be in place that brings agility and innovation to the organization.

The Center of Excellence will extend its value beyond the telecom and mobility environment into the business by increasing business impact that delivers bottom line business results.

The Efficiency First® Framework

The Efficiency First® Framework is the foundation for a Center of Excellence. The Framework is a set of practices and principles for managing a telecom and mobility environment. It is based upon decades of real-world best practices gathered by AOTMP University from thousands of businesses around the world. The Framework compliments ITIL, Six Sigma, Lean Sigma, and more. The elements that make up the Efficiency First® Framework include over 1,000 digital transformation and optimization performance diagnostic points.

Center of Excellence Components

There are 15 key components across 3 maturity stages to a Center of Excellence.
Adoption Requirements Description

Stage 1: Design

Executive Sponsor
Business sponsorship.
Center of Excellence Practice Leader
Overall Center of Excellence accountability
Discipline Leaders
Accountable for discipline pillars and teams.
Steering Committee
Business and Center of Excellence representatives guiding results.
Roles & Responsibilities
An accountability matrix.
Efficiency First® Framework
Practices and principles promoting technical, financial, and operational management efficiency, and business results.

Stage 2: Deploy

Single vision, single mission.
Service Delivery Financial Model
Center of Excellence funding approach.
Business rules guiding strategy, policy guiding users.
Process & Workflow
Documentation unifying process, defining ideal state.
Operational, financial, technical, and business transparency.

Stage 3: Mature

Performance Measurements
Center of Excellence maturity and performance diagnostic dashboards.
Continuous Optimization
Persistent evaluation and improvement cycles.
New Technology & Services
Business innovation using emerging and evolving technology.
Business Alignment
Value recognition from the business.

What your team will learn.

Across five 90-minute online sessions with our instructor.

Efficiency First® Framework concepts that guide Center of Excellence performance.

How a Center of Excellence is organized and structured to deliver peak business value.

How to assess and advance Center of Excellence maturity.

How to develop a Center of Excellence roadmap for your technology management practice.

How to position a Center of Excellence as a strategic business partner.

How to reduce operational inefficiencies using Center of Excellence concepts.

How to reduce financial waste using Center of Excellence concepts.

How to prove and communicate Center of Excellence value delivered to business leaders and stakeholders using business terms.

Meet the Instructor

Timothy C. Colwell

Timothy C. Colwell, Executive Vice President at AOTMP® University, is a telecom, mobility, and cloud / IT management industry thought leader, patent inventor, and best practice architect with 30+ years of experience helping customers drive better business results. He leads the content team, which develops, produces, and delivers training and certifications.

Tim is an industry insider with deep knowledge of how to develop and deliver financial and operational technology management excellence. Let’s hear from Tim in his own words on his career journey and how it qualifies him to instruct this program.

In the Beginning

I began my career in technology management working as a solution engineer for a data networking manufacturer that produced T-1 multiplexers for direct connection to IXC carrier voice switches and 56k digital multiplexing hardware (back when 56k was the bomb replacing multi-drop analog lines for connecting terminals to AS/400 mainframes). While I geeked-out on technology, I quickly realized that I had a knack for interpreting tariffs to identify the most cost effect intra- and inter-LATA circuit routing options for customers. That’s when I began to approach technology management from a total cost of ownership (TCO) perspective and I’ve never looked back.

Core Philosophy

Never stop improving! Opportunities to improve professionally and personally are present every day. The same holds true for teams and organizations. I love to dig deep and find the next opportunity for improvement and I believe that sharing what I learn is not just a privilege, it’s a responsibility.

How do I identify improvement opportunities? Simple…I ask questions and I listen. My technique was honed over 15+ years of process and performance improvement consulting. I’ve helped companies with critical technology management decisions like selecting TEM and MMS vendors, migrating PSTN voice to UCaaS, and sourcing network carriers. I’ve contributed to global technology modernization projects and helped companies develop vendor management strategies. I’ve helped customers solve tactical workflow problems and I’ve helped customers establish sustainable technology management strategy.

My experience leading a technology management industry research and publication practice also contributed to my knowledge of how to develop best practices. Through qualitative and quantitative research studies and thousands of hours analyzing data collected from organizations across the globe, insights into what works and what doesn’t were revealed. Performance data guides best practice creation.

Today, I continue to identify opportunities to improve through conversations with customers, prospects, and colleagues. These conversations happen daily and what I learn fuels best practices for training and certification content. I do the research; you benefit from what I uncover.

Journey Highlights

Courses & Certifications

Developed 20+ bootcamps and certifications.

Delivered 100+ 3 to 5-day instructor-led bootcamps.

Contributed to the development of 200+ online, on-demand courses.

Executive Sponsor & Principal Consultant

100+ engagements supported.

Over $250 million of positive budget impact delivered to customers.

Areas of engagement scope and my expertise.

  • Center of Excellence Design
  • Technology Modernization Strategy
  • Vendor Sourcing & RFP Management
  • Asset, License & Service Inventory Validation
  • Contract Negotiation
  • BPO Statement of Work Creation
  • Policy Development
  • Process Improvement
  • Performance Benchmarking & Reporting
  • KPI Development
  • Risk Assessment & Mitigation
  • Root Cause Analysis & Corrective Action Plan Creation
Efficiency First® Framework & Performance Index Architect

The Framework is a set of best practices and principles for managing enterprise telecom, mobility, and Cloud / IT technology. It promotes technical, financial, and operational management efficiency, and drives business results.

The Performance Index is a standardized performance scale that measures telecom, mobility, and cloud / IT (technology) management excellence and delivers a recommended action plan to optimize performance results.

Business Process Patents

US 8,775,233

US 8,484,071

Drivers and Passion

I love solving problems and figuring out how to prevent the same problems from reoccurring. There’s nothing quite as satisfying as creating a best practice that improves efficiency and performance while knowing that when that best practice is used it will really work. Solve the problem; improve the results.
Photo of Tim Lybrook
“I’ve known Tim professionally for nearly 25 years. He is arguably one of the best minds in the industry when it comes to best practices for effective and high performing telecom and mobility management environments. I would put his knowledge of all the core management disciplines up against anyone in the industry.”

~ Tim Lybrook, CEO at AOTMP® University


$9,500 includes up to 10 members of your team.

At the end of the program there is an option for an AOTMP® University executive to serve as a member of your steering committee for 12 months at $6,000 per month.