Example career path:
Sourcing & Vendor Management

Are you in a sourcing or vendor management role? Level-up your knowledge by mastering essential best practices. Take these courses and earn these certifications.

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Step 1: Take these recommended courses

Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify the 10 steps in technology planning – Identify where to source technology information – Differentiate between an RFI and RFP
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – List the different types of technical SLAs found in telecommunications contracts – Calculate a credit amount based upon a network availability SLA – List the different types of relationship SLAs found in telecommunications contracts
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Relay how telecom management technical, financial, and operational objectives affect your role – Provide examples of how you would alter policies and procedures to more effectively account for the discussed objectives – Identify how the vendors your organization has selected have an impact on telecom management – Create a strategy for future vendor negotiations based on desired telecom management performance as outlined by the Efficiency First® Framework
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify what information should be gathered prior to beginning the research process – Select considerations for your current assets, services, and locations with respect to gathering vendor information – Recognize the types of sources you can reference to gather initial information
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify why it’s important to evaluate vendor RFP responses against your established criteria – Articulate the type of information you should expect to receive from the open-ended vendor questions in your RFP – Using the information contained in this e-learning as well as the 2 previous courses, identify components of a vendor scorecard

Step 2: Earn this recommended Specialist Certification

This AOTMP Telecom Contracts Specialist Certification is ideal for telecom management professionals in operations, finance, procurement, or management roles with auditing, contract management, or vendor management responsibilities. It includes five (5) courses that teach foundational best practices for managing telecom contracts and one (1) certification exam that verifies best practice knowledge.

Step 3: Earn at least one of these recommended Professional Certifications

Pick 1 or more based on the technology portfolio category most relevant to your role and/or interest.
This AOTMP Telecom Management Professional Certification is ideal for people currently managing or aspiring to manage a team or teams with responsibilities supporting telecommunications technology in one or more of these Efficiency First® Framework practice areas:
The AOTMP Mobility Management Professional Certification is ideal for people currently managing or aspiring to manage a team or teams with responsibilities supporting mobility technology in one or more of these Efficiency First® Framework practice areas:
An AOTMP IT Management Professional Certification is ideal for people currently managing or aspiring to manage a team or teams with responsibilities supporting cloud / IT technology in one or more of these Efficiency First® Framework practice areas:

This career path is achievable with an Unlimited Pro subscription.