State of the Industry

The Truth About Technology Expense Management in 2024

Part 2

Breaking Free from the Cost Savings Trap

In a world where digital transformation is reshaping entire industries, the TEM industry is caught in a paradox of its own making. Our relentless focus on cost savings has become a self-imposed prison, limiting our growth and relevance. It’s time to break free from this constraining mindset and embrace a new paradigm that drives genuine business impact. The future of our industry depends on our ability to demonstrate strategic value beyond mere penny-pinching.

The cost savings trap

For over thirty years, our industry has been fixated on a single metric: cost savings. This narrow focus has created a self-perpetuating cycle that limits our growth and value proposition. We’ve become experts at finding savings, but at what cost to our overall impact and relevance?

The hard truth is that company leadership rarely concerns itself with the granular details of technology expenses. They care about:

  1. Top-line revenue growth.
  2. Competitive advantage.
  3. Market perception.
  4. Risk mitigation.
  5. Innovation leadership.

The value beyond savings challenge

We must reframe our value proposition to break free from this limiting paradigm. Here’s how:

  1. Understand Stakeholder Priorities: Identify what matters most to IT leaders, company executives, and other critical departments beyond TEM.
  2. Map TEM Contributions to Business Objectives: Demonstrate how our work directly supports and drives critical business outcomes.
  3. Communicate Strategic Value: Create concise, impactful reports highlighting TEM’s contributions to company-wide goals.
  4. Shift the Conversation: Move beyond feature demonstrations and cost-saving pitches to focus on strategic outcomes and partnerships.

Call to action: Be the change

The transformation of our industry begins with you. Here are concrete steps you can take today:

  1. Vendors: Develop a pitch that showcases your value beyond cost savings. Create three slides that compellingly demonstrate this broader impact.
  2. Buyers: Determine your organization’s top priorities for at least three non-TEM groups. How can TEM support those priorities?
  3. Collaborate: Work together (whether you’re a vendor or buyer) to create quarterly reports for company leadership, IT leadership, and another critical stakeholder group. Focus on your contributions to their specific goals.

By shifting our focus from tactical cost savings to strategic value creation, we can finally break free from the norm and unlock the true potential of the TEM industry. The future of TEM lies in our ability to align with and drive broader business objectives.

Don’t wait for others to lead the change. Take the first step today. Your actions can be the catalyst that transforms our industry and elevates TEM’s role in driving business success.

How can AOTMP help?

AOTMP Certified Vendors have validated the performance of their products against the principles of the Efficiency First® Framework.

AOTMP® Efficiency First® Solution Certified Vendors are at the forefront of this industry revolution, committed to:

  • Redefining value beyond cost savings
  • Building true strategic partnerships with clients
  • Driving innovation in technology management
  • Fostering transparency and open communication
  • Supporting the development of world-class Technology Management Centers of Excellence 

These certified vendors aren’t just talking about change – they’re actively implementing the strategies outlined in our whitepaper series to deliver unparalleled value to their clients.

Photo of Tim Colwell

Timothy C. Colwell

Executive Vice President
Connect on Linkedin
Photo of Tim Lybrook

Tim Lybrook

Managing Partner
Connect on Linkedin

Meet the Authors

Tim Lybrook and Timothy C. Colwell have over 65 years of experience between them. They know what works and what doesn’t, and have seen hundreds of success stories and hundreds of failed relationships.

They literally wrote the book on gaining and maintaining technology management financial and operational efficiency. The Efficiency First® Framework Guidebook details best practices across 30 telecom, mobile, and cloud / IT workstreams that deliver proven results.

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