State of the Industry

The Truth About Technology Expense Management in 2024

Part 3

Bridging the Buyer-Seller Divide

A chasm of mistrust and misalignment threatens to swallow the TEM industry whole. The current buy-sell process is broken, wasting time, resources, and opportunities. This dysfunction has created a lose-lose situation, stifling innovation and preventing the formation of true strategic partnerships. We stand at a pivotal moment.

The urgent need for change

  1. Broken Buy-Sell Process: The current process wastes time, hinders communication, and ignores relationship-building. It’s driven by the lowest price rather than value, creating a lose-lose situation for all parties involved.
  2. Misaligned Expectations: Enterprises often conduct “fishing expeditions” without real intent to buy, while vendors pitch smoke and mirrors, misrepresenting their capabilities. This erodes trust and stunts industry growth.
  3. Procurement Roadblocks: Procurement departments frequently impede direct communication between buyers and sellers, hampering the development of crucial relationships that drive success.
  4. Value Beyond Cost Savings: The industry’s myopic focus on hard-dollar cost savings overlooks the broader value that TEM can provide, such as accurate inventory management and streamlined invoice processing.

A vision for a transformed TEM industry

Imagine a TEM landscape where:

  • Buyers and sellers engage in open, transparent communications throughout the process.
  • Strong vendor-customer partnerships focus on solutions rather than penalties.
  • The industry recognizes and quantifies value beyond mere cost savings.
  • World-class Technology Management Centers of Excellence contribute to strategic business results.
  • Both buyers and sellers actively help each other identify growth opportunities.

Call to action: Steps for immediate implementation

For Buyers:

  • Stop issuing RFPs without genuine intent to purchase.
  • Involve business stakeholders early in the process, not just procurement.
  • Look inward to address internal challenges before switching providers repeatedly.
  • Commit to transparent communication with vendors throughout the buying process.

For Sellers:

  • Cease making unsupportable claims about being the “only” provider with certain capabilities.
  • Focus on understanding prospects’ business problems before pitching features.
  • Differentiate based on value, not just price.
  • Be honest about capabilities and limitations, proposing collaborative solutions where gaps exist.

For both:

  • Adopt a new, streamlined buy-sell process prioritizing relationship-building and mutual understanding.
  • Commit to regular, open communication throughout the engagement.
  • Focus on building true partnerships that drive business results beyond cost savings.

The time to act is now

Are you ready to be part of this transformation?

Let’s commit to this transformation today. Whether you’re a buyer or seller in the TEM space, take the first step by reevaluating your approach and implementing these changes. The future of our industry depends on our willingness to evolve and collaborate. Together, we can unlock TEM’s true potential and create a billion-dollar industry that drives unparalleled and sustainable business value..

How can AOTMP help?

AOTMP Certified Vendors have validated the performance of their products against the principles of the Efficiency First® Framework.

AOTMP® Efficiency First® Solution Certified Vendors are at the forefront of this industry revolution, committed to:

  • Redefining value beyond cost savings
  • Building true strategic partnerships with clients
  • Driving innovation in technology management
  • Fostering transparency and open communication
  • Supporting the development of world-class Technology Management Centers of Excellence 

These certified vendors aren’t just talking about change – they’re actively implementing the strategies outlined in our whitepaper series to deliver unparalleled value to their clients.

Photo of Tim Colwell

Timothy C. Colwell

Executive Vice President
Connect on Linkedin
Photo of Tim Lybrook

Tim Lybrook

Managing Partner
Connect on Linkedin

Meet the Authors

Tim Lybrook and Timothy C. Colwell have over 65 years of experience between them. They know what works and what doesn’t, and have seen hundreds of success stories and hundreds of failed relationships.

They literally wrote the book on gaining and maintaining technology management financial and operational efficiency. The Efficiency First® Framework Guidebook details best practices across 30 telecom, mobile, and cloud / IT workstreams that deliver proven results.

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