AOTMP University

Telecom Expense Management Specialist

Experience Level: Foundation

Portfolio Area: Telecom

Earn credentials that validate your best practice knowledge of telecom expense management and you’ll become a more valuable asset to your organization. Proving to your business that you embrace financial accountability best practices as well as technical integrity skills increases trust that you act with the bottom line in mind.
Telecom Expense Certification badge 2024

Just $1,495

Use code IAUG20 for 20% off!

What you will learn.

Learning objectives for each course supporting this certification include:

Invoices and TEM 101 (ITE)

  • Define TEM and its focus areas
  • Identify four types of extraneous usage
  • State the importance of a telecom or IT invoice with respect to cost

Developing a Telecom Expense Management Plan (TEM)

  • Define Telecom Expense Management
  • Distinguish between the benefits of insourcing and outsourcing
  • Explain how to identify the ROI of a Telecom Expense Management program
  • Explain how to maximize the benefits of a Telecom Expense Management program
  • Perform a needs assessment for a Telecom Expense Management program

Preparing to Use an RFP to Select a TEM Vendor (STP 01)

  • Define a RFP
  • Define the three areas of concentration in an RFP scope
  • Describe how to prepare an RFP

Using an RFP to Select a TEM Vendor (STP 02)

  • Coordinate the RFP release and TEM vendor proposal method
  • Evaluate TEM vendor proposals
  • Explain the process to select a TEM vendor

Developing a Business Case for TEM Programs (BCT)

  • Calculate a TEM Program ROI
  • Define TEM
  • Develop a TEM Program Business Case
  • Perform a TEM Program Needs Assessment
  • Understand the value of TEM

Thinking Constructively About TEM ROI (TRI)

  • Calculate ROI for TEM programs
  • Discuss the importance of executive level perception and buy in for TEM programs
  • Review expense management
  • Review the importance of calculating ROI for TEM programs

Managing TEM Vendor Relationships (MTR)

  • Explain relationship communications
  • Identify the various management considerations throughout the lifecycle of the TEM vendor relationship
  • Understand the relationship plan development process
Example of an AOTMP University Specialist Certificate


Certification exam

All courses required to sit exam

Digital Badge & Certificate*

*Issued when the Certification exam is passed.



Portfolio Area:



Foundation and intermediate telecom, mobility, and cloud/IT topics.

Based On:

Included AOTMP University Courses


Every 2 years. Recertification requires passing an exam prior to credential renewal date.

Telecom Expense Certification badge 2024

Just $1,495

IAUG members enjoy a 20% discount. Use code IAUG20 at checkout!

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