AOTMP University

Courses → Course Catalog

These on-demand training courses are a great way to close knowledge gaps.

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Upon completion of this course, you will have learned:
  • The roles of multiple business systems in a TEM program
  • Common external data sources and how each supports a TEM program
  • How to effectively evaluate and validate data across multiple systems a TEM program
  • Common areas of automation potential in a TEM program
  • How a RASCI improves business systems integration and data integrity while increasing automation potential for a TEM program
  • Efficiency First® Framework guiding principles supporting TEM business systems and data integrity
Upon completion of this course, you will have learned:
  • What data privacy is.
  • How US data privacy laws compare to the rest of the world.
  • Which states are enacting new laws in 2023 and the scope of each.
  • What organizations need to do to comply with new data privacy laws.
  • How laws are enforced and penalties for non-compliance.
  • Efficiency First® Framework best practices supporting data privacy compliance.
Upon completion of this course, you will have learned:
  • Common success factors for TEM programs
  • What TEM program success looks like to different business stakeholders
  • How to set the stage for success with your TEM vendor
  • Why TEM programs fail and how to avoid problems
  • How to foster strong partnership with your TEM vendor
  • Efficiency First® Framework guiding principles supporting TEM program success
Upon completion of this course, you will have learned:
  • What elements should be considered for a TEM program
  • How to establish TEM program objectives
  • Common business systems used in a TEM program
  • Considerations for organizing and integrating multiple internal and external teams and workstreams into your TEM program
  • How to effectively manage TEM program change
  • Efficiency First® Framework guiding principles supporting TEM program design
Upon completion of this course, you will have learned:
  • What Technology Expense Management (TEM) is
  • How TEM supports business, why it matters, and the value it offers
  • Business applications and use cases for TEM
  • Types of vendors and offering variables currently available in the industry
  • Considerations for building a business case for TEM
  • Efficiency First® Framework guiding principles supporting a TEM program
Upon completion of this course, you will have learned:
  • Elements of a successful TEM implementation
  • Customer roles and responsibilities throughout TEM implementation
  • Common TEM implementation roadblocks and challenges you may encounter and how to overcome them
  • How to determine when your TEM implementation has achieved steady state
  • Receiving full value from your TEM program
  • Efficiency First® Framework best practices supporting TEM implementation
Upon completion of this course, you will have learned:
  • What POTS-in-a-Box is
  • What is driving demand for POTS-in-a-Box solutions and the business problems solved by these solutions
  • Common business applications and use cases that benefit from POTS-in-a-Box solutions
  • Considerations for selecting POTS-in-a-Box solutions for your business
  • Considerations for implementing and managing POTS-in-a-Box solutions
  • Efficiency First® Framework best practices supporting POTS-in-a-Box solution evaluation and implementation
This course, a non-technical primer covering mobility management program design best practices, is ideal for all technology management practitioners and leadersUpon completion of this course, you will have learned:
  • What mobility management is
  • How mobility management supports business, why it matters, and the value it offers
  • Mobility management program use cases and variables including bring your own device (BYOD) and corporate liable (CL)
  • What to consider when developing a business case for mobility management
  • Considerations for mobility management program performance after implementation
  • Efficiency First® Framework best practices supporting mobility management program objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will have learned:

  • What customer experience (CX) is
  • How CX supports business, why it matters, and the value it offers
  • CX business applications and use cases
  • Considerations for elevating CX practices for your organization
  • How to measure CX practice performance
  • Efficiency First® Framework best practices supporting service delivery CX

Upon completion of this course, you will have learned:

  • What cloud optimization is
  • Why cloud optimization matters and the value it offers
  • Cloud optimization business applications and use cases
  • Considerations for selecting a cloud optimization solution for your organization
  • Ongoing cloud optimization performance considerations
  • Efficiency First® Framework best practices supporting cloud optimization
Upon completion of this course, you will have learned:
  • What SASE is
  • How SASE supports business, why it matters, and the value it offers
  • Business applications and use cases for SASE
  • What to consider when developing a business case for implementing SASE solutions
  • Considerations for managing SASE solutions after implementation
  • Efficiency First® Framework best practices supporting SASE evaluation, adoption, and ongoing management
Upon completion of this course, you will have learned:
  • What license management is
  • How license management supports business, why it matters, and the value it offers
  • Business applications and use cases for license management
  • What to consider when developing a business case for implementing license management solutions
  • Considerations for managing license management solutions after implementation
  • Efficiency First® Framework best practices supporting license management evaluation, adoption, and ongoing management
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Describe Robotic Process Automation – Recognize the benefits of Robotic Process Automation – Identify potential uses for Robotic Process Automation
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify mobile environments and billing components – Understand the process for auditing a mobile environment – Audit a mobile environment
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define a Request for Proposal – Define the purpose of the elements within a Request for Proposal – Prepare a Request for Proposal
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Recognize the benefits of an IT asset disposition program – Demonstrate the value proposition associated with properly disposing of IT assets – Recognize which certifications demonstrate sound IT asset disposition policies – Match business case elements with their definition – Demonstrate an understanding of risk mitigation
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define TEM – Perform a TEM Program Needs Assessment – Understand the value of TEM – Calculate a TEM Program ROI – Develop a TEM Program Business Case
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Summarize the cloud auditing process – Identify different cloud invoice types – Demonstrate how to compare cloud invoice-to-contract charges – Explain the differences in cloud storage and cloud license management
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Describe the optimal cloud environment – Identify the roles and tasks needed for cloud management – Explain the differences between technical and financial auditing
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify the technical, customer service, financial, and time telecom pain points and perspectives – Utilize the questions that uncover those pain points – Recognize the customer assurances associated with these pain points – Describe the different responsibilities during a telecom service provider contract lifecycle
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define circuit switching – Know what functions a private branch exchange or PBX performs – Detail advantages of a circuit-switched telephone line – Detail disadvantages to a circuit-switched telephone line
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define a business Case – Explain the difference between capital and operation expenditures – Explain how to write and sell a business case – Explain how to track results for a cloud project implementation
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Describe the cloud environment – Match cloud management services to enterprise needs – Define cloud provisioning – Explain differences in cloud provisioning models
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand what a pandemic crisis is – How to prepare your enterprise for a pandemic event
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Describe cloud computing – Define three cloud management models – Define common cloud terminology
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define what a business case is – Explain the components of a business case – Identify the steps to build a requirements assessment – Simulate building a business case
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define MPLS – Describe the components of an MPLS network – List and describe each step of the invoice auditing process – Identify common billable components and errors in an MPLS network – Demonstrate how to calculate the cost of MPLS billing errors
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Generalize the requirements behind a DPO’s appointment – Summarize the role of the DPO – List the responsibilities of the DPO – Explain how a DPO should be reachable – Summarize the benefits of DPOaaS
Upon completion of this course, you will have learned:
  • What a Center of Excellence (CoE) is
  • How a CoE supports business, why it matters, and the value it offers
  • Considerations for creating a CoE
  • Considerations for launching a CoE
  • How to evaluate CoE performance
  • Efficiency First® Framework best practices supporting CoE design, deployment, and maturity.
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Outline the history of 9-1-1 – Describe the strengths and limitations associated with the various iterations of 9-1-1 – Explain the key pieces of legislation that currently govern 9-1-1
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Demonstrate the inventory auditing process – Define Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT) – Identify M2M and IoT technology and devices – Identify and resolve M2M and IoT security management challenges
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Explain what a data breach is – Describe your response if one impacts you or your organization – Summarize the differences in data breach responses across the globe
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Summarize the history of the CCPA and its scope – List the rights that the CCPA provides consumers – Explain an organization’s responsibilities under the CCPA and the penalties for non-compliance – Recognize the differences between the CCPA and the General Data Protection Regulation
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Recognize personally identifiable information – Describe the benefits of the Privacy Shield – Explain the protections that HIPAA provides – List the various components of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act – Describe the purview of the National Institute of Standards and Technology – Summarize the expanded rights the California Consumer Privacy Act provides Californians
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand international differences – Understand the structure of an international telecom management team – Identify international technology standards – Implement international telecom policies – Establish invoice payment and processing procedures
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define telecom terms and acronyms – Use terminology and acronyms to better understand invoices issued by voice, data, and mobile telecom service providers – Understand terminology and acronyms found in telecom contracts – Understand technology terminology and acronyms used in daily work activity
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Create an effective mobile device security strategy and policy with compliance – Identify potential threats and motives for mobile device attacks, targets, sources, and methods used – Understand likely consequences of a security breach -Conduct a risk assessment – Identify the differences between mobile device management and mobile application management as well as the differences between agent-based and agentless control
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Match the Efficiency First Framework terms with their definitions – Recognize the 7 Stakeholder Groups, 10 Focus Areas, and 30 Core Telecom Management Activities – Identify the definitions of the Efficiency First Framework Performance Measurements
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify why it’s important to evaluate vendor RFP responses against your established criteria – Articulate the type of information you should expect to receive from the open-ended vendor questions in your RFP – Using the information contained in this e-learning as well as the 2 previous courses, identify components of a vendor scorecard
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand and define the Business Analysis Core Activity – Understand and define Business Analysis sub-activities – Recite Efficiency First® Framework best practice principles of Business Analysis
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand and define the Budgeting & Forecasting Core Activity – Understand and define Budgeting & Forecasting sub-activities – List Efficiently First® Framework best practice principles of Budgeting & Forecasting
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR, its requirements and its penalties – Recognize the effects of the GDPR on enterprise and vendor environments – Demonstrate GDPR comprehension through real-world scenarios
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Explain what a Data Protection Impact Assessment is, and why it’s critical to data privacy compliance – Describe each step required when conducting a DPIA utilizing the AOTMP® DPIA Template – Develop a strategy to mitigate risks uncovered during the DPIA process
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify the geographical areas that make up EMEA – List the major governing bodies in EMEA according to this course – Recall important dates in the history of EMEA telecom governing bodies – Recognize major carrier/operators located throughout EMEA
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Explain the difference between data privacy and data security – Understand the telecom, mobility, and IT management consequences that result from not following appropriate data privacy practices – Recognize the data privacy laws active in the Americas, EMEA (Europe, Middle East, & Africa) and Asia Pacific – Describe the role of a Data Protection Officer (DPO) and their impact on data privacy compliance in your technology management environment
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Describe the Importance of Contract Compliance – Explain the Benefits of Contract Catalog – Interpret Documents in a Contract Catalog – Assess Contract Compliance Adherence
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – List the five catalysts for change in a telecommunications environment – Explain why project planning is necessary for effective change management – Develop a project plan to manage a change within a telecommunications environment – Explain the purpose of each step in the process development life cycle – Identify common processes within different areas of an organization that can help with effective change management
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify the role and responsibilities of a CoE Technical Practice Owner – Understand the skills, knowledge, and experience required to be a CoE Technical Practice Owner – Interpret CoE Technical Practice Owner performance dashboard KPIs
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand the PIS Specification, its requirements and its penalties – Understand the effects of the PIS Specification on enterprise and vendor environments – Apply your knowledge of the PIS Specification on enterprise and vendor environments
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand the relationship plan development process – Explain relationship communications – Identify the various management considerations throughout the lifecycle of the TEM vendor relationship
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand key success factors for building a CoE – Identify factors that accelerate and inhibit CoE development – Implement acceleration techniques in CoE development plan
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand the stages of CoE development – Identify stakeholders to promote and support CoE development – Establish CoE progress reporting templates
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify the four phases of change management within the process lifecycle – Explain what occurs within each phase of the process lifecycle – List the five departments that have specific departmental process protocols – Differentiate between the change management strategies for five separate departments
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Give a brief overview of the Invoice Auditing Process – Identify common components in a VoIP/SIP implementation – Identify common billable components in a VoIP/SIP implementation – Identify common components where billing errors can occur – Calculate the cost of billing errors
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Explain a physical site audit – Explain the benefits of a physical site audit – Describe typical elements recorded in a physical site audit – Identify best practices for a physical site audit
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Develop a Wireless Security Policy – Implement a Wireless Security Policy – Maintain a Wireless Security Policy
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Provide AOTMP® Best Practices to understand the documents – Identify key pieces of information contained within these documents – Understand how to obtain Tariff and Service Price Guides from service providers – Define the definitions of Tariff and Service Price Guides documents
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define telecom policy objectives: management control, cost containment, and fraud prevention – Identify policy usage components – Follow usage policy management best practices – Understand common policy overviews
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define Unified Communications – Identify Common Features – Identify Common Applications – Identify Common Benefits – Identify Relationships (Related technology and Efficiency First® Framework)
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify the necessary aspects of a UC Policy – Understand the steps in monitoring UC Policy adoption – Identify what change control mechanism are required to manage change control during UC implementation – Identify the appropriate levels of approval for each step in the change control and UC management policy process – Create a basic UC Policy
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand each person’s role in managing security plan requirements – Recognize common telecom security plan considerations – Learn how to apply security assessment best practices – Understand telecom security plan requirements’ ramifications and importance – Recognize security requirement exceptions; Learn how to mitigate telecom security concerns
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Review expense management – Discuss the importance of executive level perception and buy in for TEM programs – Review the importance of calculating ROI for TEM programs – Calculate ROI for TEM programs
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand cloud solutions benefits and limitations – Understand common Cloud Security environment concerns – Determine cloud environments requirements – Evaluate what security requirements are specific to your enterprise vertical – Create a threat assessment for your enterprise cloud environment – Understand best practices for using a cloud environment in your enterprise
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: • Define areas of environmental/physical security • Provide standards for environmental/physical security • Provide the flow for validating environmental/physical security • Understand risks for equipment loss • Describe ways to mitigate common risks for environmental/physical security • Provide AOTMP® recommended best practices for equipment security
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define best practices for information security – Define areas of information sections of telecom – Provide standards for an information security – Provide the flow for validating information security – Identify and mitigate risks for information security
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Discover risks for systems security – Define areas of systems security concerns – Provide standards for systems security – Provide the flow for validating systems security – Provide best practices for systems security – Describe ways to mitigate common risks for systems security
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define areas of systems security concerns – Provide standards for systems security – Provide the flow for validating systems security – Discover risks for systems security – Describe ways to mitigate common risks for systems security – Provide best practices for systems security
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify and understand the following tools: NANPA, Erlangs, State Legislature, Tariff and Service Price Guides, State Telecom Regulatory Agencies, and the FCC
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define the core telecom management activity – project management – Describe the 3 types of telecom projects – Create a project plan – Identify best practices for Telecom Project Management
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify the 10 steps in technology planning – Identify where to source technology information – Differentiate between an RFI and RFP
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define IoT – Describe the trends that enabled IoT – Identify the components of IoT – Describe a use case for IoT
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Describe Toll-Free Service – Describe the Invoice Auditing Processes – Identify the Billable Toll-Free Service Components – Identify Where Billing Errors May Occur
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify the 10 review points for a telecom management check-up – Distinguish between technical, financial, and operation management checks – Review scenarios and determine which checks apply
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – State the importance of a telecom inventory – Recall the different types of collateral materials needed to create an accurate inventory – Distinguish the most important components of some collateral material examples
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify the 5 essential characteristics of the cloud as defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology – Name the 3 types of cloud infrastructures – Recall benefits of implementing cloud services
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Review the foundation of telecom and how it inspired technologies today – Understand public switch telephone networks – Discuss IP – Review data specific IP-based technologies – Predict impacts or key points about migrating to tomorrow’s technology
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define Technology – Identify common features, applications, and benefits – Describe the relationship to related technologies – Identify the relationship to the Efficiency First® Framework
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – List the different types of technical SLAs found in telecommunications contracts – Calculate a credit amount based upon a network availability SLA – List the different types of relationship SLAs found in telecommunications contracts
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Define a RFP – Identify 4 ways to prepare your telecom environment for a TEM provider – Describe how to prepare an RFP – Define the three areas of concentration in an RFP scope
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Coordinate the RFP release and TEM vendor proposal method – Evaluate TEM vendor proposals – Explain the process to select a TEM vendor
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Explain the importance of telecom budgeting – Define telecom budget requirements – Establish a baseline of products, services, network, and operational costs – Identify best practices for budget reporting – Identify best practices for budget management
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand the background and definition of PSTN – Understand regulatory considerations and timeline – Describe the impact on services in the telecom environment – Evaluate risks associated to PSTN transitioning – Understand PSTN transitioning strategy considerations
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – List all project milestones required for successful migration – Determine timelines, dependencies, and migration risks – Distinguish the difference between various mitigation risks – Develop a project plan for migration
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify AOTMP recommended organizational KPIs – Differentiate the possible causes of increases and decreases of particular KPIs – Recognize the importance of each KPI discussed – Distinguish between the goals and objectives of each KPI measurement
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Recall the four stages of inventory management – Discuss the sub-steps that need to be taken within each of the stages – Describe differences between the stages discussed
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify considerations to implement SIP Trunking – Consider the benefits of SIP – Determine the Return on Investment for SIP Trunking
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Explain technical MACDs – Explain financial MACDs – Explain operational MACDs
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Identify the countries in the Asia-Pacific region and the fundamental characteristics that affect telecom markets – Understand regulatory structures, consumer protections, and international cooperation between countries in the area – Review the status of telecom in major markets in the Asia-Pacific region
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Describe the benefits of validating a new infrastructure or replacement to an existing infrastructure – Perform the steps to conduct a Technical Validation – Perform the steps to conduct a Financial Validation – Apply post migration validation best practices
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand and define the Sourcing & Procurement Core Activity – Understand and define Sourcing & Procurement sub-activities – Recite Efficiency First Framework best practice principles of Sourcing & Procurement
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand security features of iOS mobility – Understand risks and considerations for mitigation – Understand standardized device benefits – Understand MDM security – Define considerations for an iOS Mobility policy – Follow best practices for iOS security
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand and define the Security Core Activity – Understand and define Security sub-activities – Recite Efficiency First® Framework best practice principles of Security
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand and define the Invoice Processing Core Activity – Understand and define the Invoice Processing sub-activities – List Efficiency First® Framework best practice principles of Invoice Processing
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand and define the Policy Core Activity – Understand and define Policy sub-activities – List Efficiency First Framework best practice principles of Policy
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand and define the Regulatory Compliance Core Activity – Understand and define Regulatory Compliance sub-activities – Recite Efficiency First Framework best practice principles of Regulatory Compliance
Upon completing this course, you will have learned how to: – Understand and define the Service Delivery Core Activity – Understand and define Service Delivery sub-activities – Recite Efficiency First Framework best practice principles of Service Delivery

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